Getting buy in to help build design team culture can be difficult - this week we answer a listener question about how to create opportunities which promote design education for your team and foster a great design culture, on a budget.
Get tactical when looking for support from management for design education. How will attending this event improve your team’s performance on your next project? How will you communicate what you’ve learned with your team on your return? Give concrete examples that show the thought you’ve put into how a design conference or event will impact your work.
There are many ways to build design culture and a wealth of knowledge in the team without spending money. Consider starting a design book club, or choose an easily accessible piece of media like a documentary or video on YouTube as your first topic.
There is so much value to be gained from online and free events. Webflow and Figma both have free conferences that are well worth checking out.
01.48 – Check in
07.20 – Our take on the topic of design education and building design culture
11.50 – Education budget
15.45 – Learning outside work hours
22.50 – Selling the benefits of conferences/design education
24.55 – The value of online events