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March 3, 2025
306: Building a team for your side projects

Femke and Charl reflect on their experiences with outsourcing for their side projects, discussing strategies for finding the right talent, assessing current tasks suitable for outsourcing, prioritizing future hires, and considering the associated costs involved.

key takeaways

This episode is sponsored by Mobbin, which is the largest design reference library for mobile and web, offering practical inspiration from real apps that address diverse design challenges. Don’t forget to mention Design Life when you register at Mobbin!

Femke and Charl share their insights gained from their experiences with outsourcing for their side projects. They discuss the strategies they employed to find the right talent. Charli elaborates on potential hires she would consider for her upcoming business and outlines the tasks she would prioritize for outsourcing. Femke discusses the roles she is contemplating for outsourcing to expand her team, as well as the current tasks she is delegating. Finally, they delve into the costs associated with outsourcing.

show timestamps

0:45 Episode intro

1:49 Mobbin sponsorship

3:11 What has been your journey in hiring people to assist with your side projects, and where did you begin?

10:26 What steps have you taken to find the right talent, and what advice would you offer to others?

14:51 If Charli were to return to her side projects, who would she choose to hire, and what tasks would she prioritize for outsourcing?

22:14 What would be your next hire for Charli’s upcoming business?

23:25 Have you received career coaching? Follow Badass Empires with Rosie on instagram

24:17 Are there any roles Femke is considering outsourcing to expand her team, and are there current tasks she is thinking about delegating?

27:19 What are the costs associated with outsourcing?

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